Setting up Debugging Environments

The SansGUI environment that you installed on your computer was built with a multi-threading library in the Release mode. It does not include any debugging information and symbols. However, you can still debug and trace into your own in-process simulator DLLs in the supported interactive development environments (IDEs) in conjunction with SansGUI. Prior to getting into any debug session, you need to have the DLL project created and set it up as described in the Developing In-Process Simulators chapter of this manual. In this section, we assume that your IDE has been configured as described in the Preparing Development Environments section and the simulator DLL has been built according to the instructions in the Creating DLL Projects section.

Preparing MSVC Simulator DLL Projects

Because the SansGUI program was built with the multi-threading (MT) library in the Release mode, the Debug mode automatically created for your DLL project will not be compatible with the SansGUI environment that you installed. As a matter of fact, if you run the Debug build of your simulator DLL in the SansGUI environment, the simulation thread may crash. It is recommended that you debug and trace your simulator DLL code by creating a separate Trace mode based upon the Release mode with the following modifications to include debug information:

After you have successfully build the simulator DLL in Win32 Trace mode, you can go on to the next section, Running Simulation in Debugging Sessions.

Preparing CVF Simulator DLL Projects

Unlike those built with MSVC, the simulator DLLs built with CVF in the Debug mode will not conflict with the SansGUI program because the libraries used in Fortran are not used by SansGUI. Therefore, you do not need to create a separate Trace mode as in the MSVC DLL projects. The preparation steps are, thus, simpler:

After you have successfully build the simulator DLL in Win32 Trace mode, you can go on to the next section, Running Simulation in Debugging Sessions.


C:\FH_Suite\htmlgifs\home.gif Testing and Debugging Simulators Running Simulation in Debugging Sessions

SansGUI Modeling and Simulation Environment Version 1.2

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