Each class can be defined, separately, with sharing options. SansGUI supports four levels of class sharing:
Simulator Options: When the class is not shared outside of the simulator, it can be set to be compatible with multiple simulation options defined in the simulator identification.
Shared within Workgroup: The class can be shared among all the simulators that have the same workgroup name in the same company.
Shared within Company: The class can be shared among all simulators that have the same company name.
Shared Globally: The class can be shared among all simulators in the universe.
With a shared class, the simulation user can drag the class from a source Project Model or Object Library to another as long as it is compatible with the target simulator in a proper share level. You can use the class sharing mechanism to include common classes in an Object Library before distributing your simulator. More on this subject can be found in the Preparing Object Libraries section in Chapter 3.
The Class Sharing Properties dialog can be used to set different sharing levels. To use the dialog:
Locate the class to be set.
Right click on the class name or its icon to obtain a context menu.
Select Sharing Options from the menu to invoke the Class Sharing Properties dialog.
In the Class Sharing Properties dialog, there is a group of check boxes indicating the sharing levels. Check an appropriate one of your choice.
Click on the OK button if you are done, or continue to enter the compatible options described below.
The company, workgroup, and the simulator program names are entered in the Simulator Identification dialog which can be accessed via the menu sequence Action>Change Identification... The levels are inclusive in that if the class is to be shared globally, it should be sharable in a company and in a workgroup. If it cannot be shared among workgroups, it cannot be shared among companies.
When a class is created by subclassing from a parent class, the sharing level defined in the parent class will be copied. The same applies to creating a class from a sibling class, with the sharing level defined in the sibling class will be copied. There is, however, a sharing level rule for the classes in a class path: any super class should have the same or broader sharing level than a subclass. The reason behind this is quite simple. When a subclass can be exported or imported, the ancestor classes should go with it; otherwise, the class definition for the subclass will be incomplete. When you modify the sharing level of a class, SansGUI will check and modify the related classes in the path for sharing coherence.
The bottom half of the Class Sharing Properties dialog is a table of compatible options. The options are, again, defined in the simulator identification. Check or uncheck the options to indicate whether you would like the class to be included in the options or not. An Object Library will be generated for each option entry. SansGUI uses the compatibility flag to decide if the class should be included in the generated Object Library.
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SansGUI Modeling and Simulation Environment Version 1.2
Copyright © 2000-2003 ProtoDesign, Inc. All rights reserved.