Source Code for Project Solid

The following source files, led by gray banners, contain all the class functions needed for Project Solid.  The sections highlighted by a yellow background Color are manually entered.  Code sections with white background color are generated by the SansGUI Source Code Framework.  The source file is compiled into a dynamic linked library to be invoked by SansGUI during simulation runs.

For more details about this example, please read the Solid On-Line Manual.

Implementation in Fortran (CVF)

Functions in Class Graphics.Solid    [Go To Top]

! Graphics_Solid.f
! - DLL routines for class <Reference>Graphics.Solid
! DATE: Thursday, February 20, 2003 TIME: 02:04:29 PM
! The skeleton of this file is generated by SansGUI(tm)

! Attribute indices in class version [1.0.alpha.5]
! 1: iTracker - Selection Tracker
! 2: iSelect - Selection Area [x1 y1 x2 y2]
! 3: iWinSize - Window Size [x y]
! 4: fScale - Scaling Factors [x y z]
! 5: fRotate - Rotation Angles [x y z]
! 6: fTranslate - Translation Vector [x y z]
! 7: iFlags - Control Flags (Reserved)
! 8: sExtFile - External File (Reserved)
! 9: iShape - 3D Object Shape
! 10: iColor - Color of Object
! 11: iType - Display Method
! 12: fAngle - Current Angle

! ======================================================================
! SG_xBgnRun - Begin Run
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      integer function SG_xBgnRun_Graphics_Solid(self,                  &
     &                        simCtrl, chgChild,                        &
     &                        pRefObjs, iRefObjs,                       &
     &                        pAdjObjs, iAdjObjs,                       &
     &                        pLnkObjs, iLnkObjs,                       &
     &                        cMessage, cCommand, pOutFile )

      use dfopngl

      include "SGdllf.h"

      ! TODO: declare your local variables here

      include "../Solid_1_0F/Solid_1_0F.h"
      integer, dimension(*) :: iTracker
      logical :: bIsPrinting, bIsEditing
      POINTER(PTR_iTracker, iTracker)

      if (self%nSGobjSchema .ne. SG_OBJ_SCHEMA) then
          SG_xBgnRun_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_SCHM
      end if

      ! TODO: put your simulator code here

      ! NOTE: When the SG_STAT_EDIT bit is set, this routine is called by the
      ! SansGUI Framework in the case that the rendering context of the
      ! OpenGL(R) window needs to be set up. If the bit is not set,
      ! this routine is called during a simulation run with the regular
      ! SansGUI DLL function call semantics.

      if (JIAND(self%iStatus, SG_STAT_EDIT) .ne. 0) then
          ! when the OpenGL rendering context needs to be set up
          PTR_zValues = self%pzValues
          PTR_iTracker = zValues(SG_NDX_ITRACKER)%vData
          iTracker(1) = TRACK_RECT ! set selection tracker type

          call FGLENABLE(GL_DEPTH_TEST) ! hidden surface removal

          if (JIAND(self%iStatus, SG_STAT_PRINT) .ne. 0) then ! print to printer
              call FGLCLEARCOLOR(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ! white background
              call FGLCLEARCOLOR(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0) ! dark blue background
          end if

          call FGLENABLE(GL_LIGHTING);
          call FGLLIGHTFV(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, LOC(fAmbientLight))
          call FGLLIGHTFV(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, LOC(fDiffuseLight))
          call FGLLIGHTFV(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, LOC(fSpecular))
          call FGLLIGHTFV(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, LOC(fLightPos))
          call FGLENABLE(GL_LIGHT0)

      end if

      SG_xBgnRun_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_OK

! ======================================================================
! SG_xPreEval - Pre-Evaluation
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      integer function SG_xPreEval_Graphics_Solid(self,                 &
     &                        simCtrl, chgChild,                        &
     &                        pRefObjs, iRefObjs,                       &
     &                        pAdjObjs, iAdjObjs,                       &
     &                        pLnkObjs, iLnkObjs,                       &
     &                        cMessage, cCommand, pOutFile )
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: SG_xPreEval_Graphics_Solid

      use dfopngl

      include "SGdllf.h"

      ! TODO: declare your local variables here

      include "../Solid_1_0F/Solid_1_0F.h"
      integer, dimension(*) :: iSize
      integer :: iWidth, iHeight
      real*4, dimension(*) :: fScale, fTrans
      real*4 :: fRange, fRatio, fScaleFac
      POINTER(PTR_iWinSize, iSize)
      POINTER(PTR_fScale, fScale)
      POINTER(PTR_fTrans, fTrans)

      if (self%nSGobjSchema .ne. SG_OBJ_SCHEMA) then
          SG_xPreEval_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_SCHM
      end if

      ! TODO: put your simulator code here

      ! NOTE: When the SG_STAT_EDIT bit is set, this routine is called by the
      ! SansGUI Framework in the case that the graphics window is being
      ! resized. If the bit is not set, this routine is called during
      ! a simulation run and only when the screen refreshing cycle is
      ! reached.

      if (JIAND(self%iStatus, SG_STAT_EDIT) .ne. 0) then
          PTR_zValues = self%pzValues
          PTR_iWinSize = zValues(SG_NDX_IWINSIZE)%vData
          PTR_fScale = zValues(SG_NDX_FSCALE)%vData
          PTR_fTrans = zValues(SG_NDX_FTRANSLATE)%vData

          fRange = 100.
          iWidth = iSize(1)
          iHeight = iSize(2)
          if (iWidth .le. iHeight) then
              fRatio = fRange * REAL(iHeight) / REAL(iWidth)
              fRatio = fRange * REAL(iWidth) / REAL(iHeight)
          end if
          fScaleFac = 30. * fScale(3) ! use only Z scaling factor

          ! Set Viewport to window's full client area
          call FGLVIEWPORT(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight)

          ! Reset coordinate system
          call FGLLOADIDENTITY()

          ! Establish clipping volume (left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
          if (iWidth .le. iHeight) then
              call FGLORTHO(-fRange,fRange,-fRatio,fRatio,-fRange,fRange)
              call FGLORTHO(-fRatio,fRatio,-fRange,fRange,-fRange,fRange)
          end if

          ! Set up transformation to move objects away from the origin
          ! SansGUI normalizes X and Y elements to the range [-1..1]
          call FGLTRANSLATEF(fTrans(1) * 100., fTrans(2) * 100., -5.)

          ! Respond to user selected zoom factor, apply fScale universally
          ! The developer can use X and Y elements for their own purposes
          call FGLSCALEF(fScaleFac, fScaleFac, fScaleFac)

      end if

      SG_xPreEval_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_OK

! ======================================================================
! SG_xEval - Evaluation
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      integer function SG_xEval_Graphics_Solid(self,                    &
     &                        simCtrl, chgChild,                        &
     &                        pRefObjs, iRefObjs,                       &
     &                        pAdjObjs, iAdjObjs,                       &
     &                        pLnkObjs, iLnkObjs,                       &
     &                        cMessage, cCommand, pOutFile )

      use dfopngl

      include "SGdllf.h"

      ! TODO: declare your local variables here

      include "../Solid_1_0F/Solid_1_0F.h"
      real*4, dimension(*) :: fRotate
      real*4, dimension(*) :: fAngle
      integer, dimension(*) :: iSelect
      character*256 :: cStr
      POINTER(PTR_fRotate, fRotate)
      POINTER(PTR_fAngle, fAngle)
      POINTER(PTR_iSelect, iSelect)

      if (self%nSGobjSchema .ne. SG_OBJ_SCHEMA) then
          SG_xEval_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_SCHM
      end if

      ! TODO: put your simulator code here

      ! NOTE: When the SG_STAT_EDIT bit is set, this routine is called by the
      ! SansGUI Framework in the case that the user made a selection
      ! rectangle or, in a special case, a selection point. If the bit
      ! is not set, this routine is called during a simulation run with
      ! the regular SansGUI DLL function call semantics.

      PTR_zValues = self%pzValues ! fetch data object values

      if (JIAND(self%iStatus, SG_STAT_EDIT) .ne. 0) then
          ! when the user selected a rectangular area of the graphics window
          ! iSelect[4] is an integer array containing four elements, or two
          ! pairs of X-Y coordinates corresponding to two corners of the user
          ! selection box:
          ! iSelect[0] - the X coordinate of the selection area when the mouse
          ! button is down
          ! iSelect[1] - the Y coordinate of the selection area when the mouse
          ! button is down
          ! iSelect[2] - the X coordinate of the selection area when the mouse
          ! button is released
          ! iSelect[3] - the Y coordinate of the selection area when the mouse
          ! button is released
          ! The values of these coordinates are not normalized, meaning that
          ! they are raw window coordinates in pixels (0, 0 at upper left
          ! corner of the graphics window) and reflecting the first and the
          ! second points of the rectangular area the user selected. They are
          ! NOT sorted to reflect upper-left and then lower-right corners.
          ! When the user clicks on a point without dragging, the two points
          ! contains the same coordinate pair.

          PTR_iSelect = zValues(SG_NDX_ISELECT)%vData
          WRITE (cStr, 100) iSelect(1),iSelect(2),iSelect(3),iSelect(4)
  100 FORMAT('user selection is (',I,', ',I,') (',I,', ',I,')')

          ! In this example, we simply let SansGUI to display the message. The
          ! number 17 is just an arbitary message code defined by the developer.
          ! the message will be displayed in the Message View at the bottom pane
          ! of the document window within SansGUI.
          cMessage = TRIM(cStr)//CHAR(0)
          SG_xEval_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_LMSG + 17
          ! when this routine is called in a sumulation run, simply rotate the object
          PTR_fAngle = zValues(SG_NDX_FANGLE)%vData
          PTR_fRotate = zValues(SG_NDX_FROTATE)%vData
          fAngle(1) = fRotate(2) + 5. ! use rotation angle about Y axis
          if (fAngle(1) .gt. 180.) then
              fAngle(1) = -(360. - fAngle(1))
          end if
          fRotate(2) = fAngle(1) ! rotate about the Y (vertical) axis

          SG_xEval_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_OK
      end if


! ======================================================================
! SG_xPostEval - Post-Evaluation
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      integer function SG_xPostEval_Graphics_Solid(self,                &
     &                        simCtrl, chgChild,                        &
     &                        pRefObjs, iRefObjs,                       &
     &                        pAdjObjs, iAdjObjs,                       &
     &                        pLnkObjs, iLnkObjs,                       &
     &                        cMessage, cCommand, pOutFile )
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: SG_xPostEval_Graphics_Solid

      use dfopngl

      include "SGdllf.h"

      ! TODO: declare your local variables here

      include "../Solid_1_0F/Solid_1_0F.h"
      real*4, dimension(*) :: fRotate
      integer, dimension(*) :: iShape
      integer, dimension(*) :: iType
      integer, dimension(*) :: iColor
      POINTER(PTR_fRotate, fRotate)
      POINTER(PTR_iShape, iShape)
      POINTER(PTR_iType, iType)
      POINTER(PTR_iColor, iColor)

      if (self%nSGobjSchema .ne. SG_OBJ_SCHEMA) then
          SG_xPostEval_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_SCHM
      end if

      ! TODO: put your simulator code here

      ! NOTE: When the SG_STAT_EDIT bit is set, this routine is called by the
      ! SansGUI Framework in the case that the graphics window needs to
      ! be redrawn, as to render the scene. If the bit is not set, this
      ! routine is called during a simulation run and only when the
      ! screen refreshing cycle is reached.
      ! In this example, we perform scene rendering whether the SG_STAT_EDIT
      ! bit is set or not.

      PTR_zValues = self%pzValues
      PTR_fRotate = zValues(SG_NDX_FROTATE)%vData
      PTR_iShape = zValues(SG_NDX_ISHAPE)%vData
      PTR_iType = zValues(SG_NDX_ITYPE)%vData
      PTR_iColor = zValues(SG_NDX_ICOLOR)%vData

      ! Clear the window with current clearing color

      ! Save the original matrix
      call FGLPUSHMATRIX()

      ! Rotate the object back to (0, 0, 0) to rotate with absolute angles

      ! Do rotation with absolute angles
      call FGLROTATEF(fRotate(1), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
      call FGLROTATEF(fRotate(2), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
      call FGLROTATEF(fRotate(3), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)


      select case (iColor(1))
      case (COLOR_CYAN)
          call FGLCOLOR3F(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
      case (COLOR_MAGENTA)
          call FGLCOLOR3F(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
      case (COLOR_YELLOW)
          call FGLCOLOR3F(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
      case default ! white object
          call FGLCOLOR3F(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
      end select


      select case (iShape(1))
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDTETRAHEDRON(2.0)
              call FAUXWIRETETRAHEDRON(2.0)
          end if
      case (SHAPE_CUBE)
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDCUBE(2.0)
              call FAUXWIRECUBE(2.0)
          end if
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDOCTAHEDRON(1.5)
              call FAUXWIREOCTAHEDRON(1.5)
          end if
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDDODECAHEDRON(1.5)
              call FAUXWIREDODECAHEDRON(1.5)
          end if
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDICOSAHEDRON(2.0)
              call FAUXWIREICOSAHEDRON(2.0)
          end if
      case (SHAPE_BOX)
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDBOX(2.0, 1.0, 3.0)
              call FAUXWIREBOX(2.0, 1.0, 3.0)
          end if
      case (SHAPE_CYLINDER)
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDCYLINDER(1.0, 2.0)
              call FAUXWIRECYLINDER(1.0, 2.0)
          end if
      case (SHAPE_CONE)
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDCONE(1.0, 2.0)
              call FAUXWIRECONE(1.0, 2.0)
          end if
      case (SHAPE_SPHERE)
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDSPHERE(1.0)
              call FAUXWIRESPHERE(1.0)
          end if
      case (SHAPE_TORUS)
          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then
              call FAUXSOLIDTORUS(1.0, 2.0)
              call FAUXWIRETORUS(1.0, 2.0)
          end if

      case (SHAPE_TEAPOT)

          if (iType(1) .eq. 0) then

              call FAUXSOLIDTEAPOT(2.0)


              call FAUXWIRETEAPOT(2.0)

          end if
      case default ! blank screen, should not have come to this point
      end select

      ! Restore the original matrix
      call FGLPOPMATRIX()

      ! Flush drawing commands
      call FGLFLUSH()

      SG_xPostEval_Graphics_Solid = SG_R_OK
Contents of Solid_1_0F.h    [Go To Top]

! Solid_1_0F.h - common parameters used by Solid class functions
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_ITRACKER = 1
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_ISELECT = 2
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_IWINSIZE = 3
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_FSCALE = 4
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_FROTATE = 5
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_FTRANSLATE = 6
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_IFLAGS = 7
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_SEXTFILE = 8
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_ISHAPE = 9
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_ICOLOR = 10
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_ITYPE = 11
      integer, parameter :: SG_NDX_FANGLE = 12


      integer, parameter :: TRACK_NONE = 0
      integer, parameter :: TRACK_POINT = 1
      integer, parameter :: TRACK_LINE = 2
      integer, parameter :: TRACK_RECT = 3


      integer, parameter :: COLOR_CYAN = 0
      integer, parameter :: COLOR_MAGENTA = 1
      integer, parameter :: COLOR_YELLOW = 2


      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_TETRAHEDRON = 0
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_CUBE = 1
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_OCTAHEDRON = 2
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_DODECAHEDRON = 3
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_ICOSAHEDRON = 4
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_BOX = 5
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_CYLINDER = 6
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_CONE = 7
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_SPHERE = 8
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_TORUS = 9
      integer, parameter :: SHAPE_TEAPOT = 10


      real(4), parameter :: fAmbientLight(4) = (/ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 /)
      real(4), parameter :: fDiffuseLight(4) = (/ 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0 /)
      real(4), parameter :: fSpecular(4) = (/ 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 /)
      real(4), parameter :: fLightPos(4) = (/ 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0 /)


SansGUI Modeling and Simulation Environment version 1.2

Copyright © 2000-2003 ProtoDesign, Inc. All rights reserved.